Reviews are written by buyers or customers to rate and comment on product that they have purchased. Right on the same page, other customers can read these reviews to make a purchase decision. The review data plays an import role to understand their customers views on specific product and their requirement. Due to the importance, most of the businesses always looking for the review data from different websites or platform to analyse and make future strategy.
But scraping reviews data from different platforms is not an easy task. It’s always a challenge for the developers to develop a system to scrape review data. Also if we try it manually, then its very time consuming as it involves adding several data sources, adaption to markup changes, managing proxy networks etc.
So if you’re running a business and looking for the solution to scrape the reviews data from different websites or platforms, then you’re here at the right place. In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily scrape the reviews data using ReviewAPI with PHP.
The ReviewAPI is a high speed Review Scraping API, developed bySaaS Industries. The Review API provides data scraping services for more than 30 reviews platforms. The major supported reviews platforms to scrape data are Amazon, Google, Yelp, Facebook, Tripadvisor and many more.