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Create RESTful API using CodeIgniter

REST (Representational state transfer) API is a set of methods like GET, PUT, POST, DELETE to create web services. The RESTful Web services allow to request to access and manipulate textual representations of data using uniform and predefined set of stateless methods. Web services are useful when develop a application for web and mobile.

In our previous tutorial, you have learned how to create Restful API using PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create RESTful API using CodeIgniter.

We will cover this tutorial to create RESTful API with methods GET, PUT, POST, DELETE with live example.


DataTables Add Edit Delete with CodeIgniter

DataTables is a popular Query JavaScript library to create dynamic HTML table with advance features like pagination, sorting, search etc.

In our previous tutorial about Datatables Add Edit Delete with Ajax, PHP & MySQL and get huge response from our readers. Many of them requested for the tutorial to implement DataTables with CodeIgniter. So here in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement Datatables Add Edit Delete with CodeIgniter.

We will cover tutorial step by step to handle DataTables server side processing with CodeIgniter to display records. We will implement functionality to add new record and display in DataTables. We will also implement functionality to edit and delete records from DataTables and refresh Datatables without page reload.


Export Data to Excel in CodeIgniter with Example

In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained how to Create RESTful API using CodeIgniter. In this tutorial, we will explain how to Export Data to Excel using CodeIgniter with Example.

Data Export to Excel (xls or xlsx) format is a feature of web applications to allow users to save data from MySQL table into Excel format for further use.

If you’re PHP developer and looking for solution to implement data export to excel in CodeIgniter, then you’re here at right place.

In this post you will learn how to export dynamic data into Excel format using CodeIgniter. We will use PHP library PhpSpreadsheet to create and save dynamic Excel file to export and save data.


Ajax CRUD Operation in CodeIgniter with Example

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is a common part of any dynamic web application. We generally add new records into database or display records from database and then perform further operations like update, delete on same records.

So if you’re developing web applications using CodeIgniter then you have certainly handled CRUD operations in your application. But its not very user friendly if you have handled this with pure CodeIgniter because it loads page every time when you perform actions.

So here in this tutorial, we have handled CRUD operations using Ajax with CodeIgniter. You would also like to checkout tutorial about Multiple Image Upload in CodeIgniter with example.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live example with ajax CRUD operations in CodeIgniter.

So let’s start.


Form Validation in CodeIgniter with Example

The Form fields validation is an essential part of any web application to validate input values before storing into database. The Form input validated when form submitted.

If you’re working with CodeIgniter framework and created Forms and wants to add validation to form inputs, then its very easy. CodeIgniter framework has form validation library form_validation to validate various form fields.

So here in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement Form Validation in CodeIgniter.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo. There are also a download link at the end of tutorial to download source code of live demo.


Create Ajax Pagination in CodeIgniter with Example

Pagination is a feature of web applications to load large dynamic data into multiple pages by displaying next and previous link to view dynamic data.

As a PHP developer, you have definitely implemented pagination with PHP and now looking for implementing pagination in CodeIgniter. It’s very easy to implement pagination in CodeIgniter as it has default Pagination class to implement pagination but it’s not user friendly.

So here in this tutorial you will learn how to implement Ajax pagination in CodeIgniter framework. The pagination with Ajax is simple and user friendly can be used in any CodeIgniter project.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo to implement Ajax based pagination in CodeIgniter. You can also download complete source of live demo.


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