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Bootstrap Modal Form Submit with jQuery & PHP

In our previous tutorial, you have learned how to Upload Multiple Image with jQuery, PHP & MySQL. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement Bootstrap modal form submit with jQuery and PHP.

Modal or dialog play an important role in any web application. The modals allow to handle additional functionality on same page without using any extra space space.

The Bootstrap modals are very user friendly and easy to integrate. The modals can be used for different requirement like showing any specific details on same page or handling form submit to process user input.

So if you’re looking for solution to implement Bootstrap modal with form submit to process form values, then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial you will learn how to show Bootstrap form with input and handle Bootstrap form submit with jQuery and process form submit post values at server in PHP.


Upload Multiple Image with jQuery, PHP & MySQL

Image upload is an important functionality of any web project. The image upload functionality is needed in web projects to upload user profile picture or upload logo or manage image gallery etc. If we need to implement user profile picture or logo then we only allow to upload a single image. But we need to allow multiple image upload when uploading files in image gallery,

As in n our previous tutorial you have learned how to upload multiple images in CodeIgniter and get huge response from readers. So in this tutorial, you will learn how to upload multiple images with jQuery, PHP and MySQL.

The tutorial is covered in easy steps with live demo to upload multiple images without page refresh and uploaded image preview. The functionality is also handled to insert uploaded images detail into MySQL database table. You can download source code of live demo, the link to download source code is available at the end of tutorial.


Make Multi Step Form with Progress Bar using jQuery, Bootstrap & PHP

Forms with too many input fields are boring and annoyed to users. We can replace them with Multi Step Forms to make it more user friendly.

The Multi Step Forms are the best solution when there are too many input fields in a Form. So breaking the large Form into multiple smaller Forms with few input fields on each Form is very smart and user friendly solution.

So here in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement Multi Step Forms with Progress Bar using Bootstrap, jQuery and PHP with live Demo.

You will also learn how to validate multiple forms using jQuery and store multiple Forms submit data into MySQL database using PHP.


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