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Build Login System with OTP using PHP & MySQL

Login with OTP (One Time Password) is a common functionality to make user login more secure. The One Time Password generated randomly and send to user email address or mobile to verify OTP code to complete login.

So if you’re thinking about implementing secure login with PHP using OTP, then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement secure login in PHP with OTP code.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps to implement secure login with OTP using PHP and MySQL. When login successful then OTP code send to email address and remain valid for one hour, after that code will be expired. The user login completed after OTP code verified. You can also create a complete User Management System with PHP & MySQL to manage everything related to users with admin panel.


Login with Remember Me using PHP & MySQL

User login with remember me or login with remember password is a feature of web applications to allow user to save login details to login form. This is very user friendly feature that help to reduce user attempt to type login details again and again.

So if you’re thinking about implementing login with remember me feature then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement login with remember me using PHP and MySQL. You can also build a complete User Management System with PHP & MySQL to manage user register, login, roles etc.

We will cover this tutorial step by step with live example to implement user login with remember me feature using PHP and MySQL.


Create Password Protected PDF with PHP & MySQL

Portable Document Format (PDF) is the most popular file format which is used for creating documents. In web applications, we also need to implement functionality create PDF documents. Sometimes there also requirement to create password protected PDF documents to make it secure.

So you’re thinking about creating password protected PDF documents then you’re at right place. In this tutorial you will learn how to create password protected PDF documents using PHP and MySQL. We will use FPDF PHP library to create password protected PDF.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo to create password protect PDF to display employee details by entering password.


Create Editable Bootstrap Table with PHP & MySQL

Inline table edit or live table editing is a very user friendly feature of web applications to allow users to edit values by clicking on it. The Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework that helps to create responsive HTML tables. So if you’re using Bootstrap framework and thinking about creating editable Bootstrap tables then you’re here at right place.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create editable Bootstrap table with jQuery, PHP and MySQL. We will use Bootstable JavaScript plugin to convert Bootstrap table into editable table with edit and delete buttons.

We will cover this tutorial step by step with live to create editable Bootstrap table with edit and delete functionality using jQuery, PHP and MySQL.


Build Password Reset System with PHP & MySQL

Password reset is a common feature web applications to allow users to reset their password if users forget their password. The password reset is allowed with username or email address to send password reset link to users email id to save their new password.

So if you’re thinking about implementing password reset with PHP in your application, then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement password reset or forget password functionality using PHP and MySQL. You can also develop complete User Management System with PHP & MySQL to manage users.

We will cover this tutorial step by step with live demo. You will also be able to download complete source code of live demo.


Advanced Ajax Pagination with PHP and MySQL

Pagination is an important feature of web applications to display huge data in chunks of pages instead of displaying all records. With pagination, we divide total records into chunks of pages with small number of record. We mostly loads pagination pages on each page request with same page reload. But now the ajax pagination is more improved and more user friendly which allow users to load next or previous pages without reloading page.

So if you’re a PHP developer and thinking to implement advanced ajax pagination with PHP, then you’re here at right place. in this tutorial you will learn how to implement ajax pagination with PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial we will use simple bootstrap pagination plugin to create advance pagination.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps to live example to create advanced ajax pagination with PHP and MySQL. We will also allow you to download complete source code of live example.
