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How to Read CSV File using Golang

CSV (Comma Separated Value) is a popular file format to store and share data. The CSV files are widely used in web applications to export and import dynamic data.

In our previous tutorial you have learned how to parse JSON file in Golang. In this tutorial you will learn how to read and parse CSV file data in Golang. The Go provides encoding/csv package to read CSV file. We will use this package to handle CSV file parsing.

We will cover this tutorial step by step to create a CSV file with some sample data. Then we will open CSV file and read CSV file data and store CSV file data into an object. Then display CSV file data using object. (more…)

Parsing JSON Data using Golang

JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a standard format for storing data. The JSON format is the most used format in web applications to read and write dynamic data. Most of RESTful APIs are implemented to return JSON data response.

As in our previous tutorial you have learned how to Read File Line by Line using Golang. Here in this tutorial we are going to explain how to parse JSON data using Golang to implement in your web applications.

We will cover this tutorial step by step to create a JSON data file and read JSON file data. The we handle functionality to parse JSON. (more…)

Read File Line by Line using Golang

Reading a file is very common functionality of programming languages. The files read and write functionality implemented in web applications.

In our previous tutorial you have learned how to read Read CSV File using Golang. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement functionality to read file line by line using Golang. We will create a text file and read text file line by line to display data using Golang.

We will cover this tutorial step by step to create a Go file to implement functionality to read text file line by line and display file data.

The Go has bufio package to read files line by line. In this tutorial, we will use this package to read file line by line. (more…)

Build Online Voting System with PHP & MySQL

Online Voting System or Online Poll System is a functionality that’s used in websites to allow users to vote get user’s views. The polls are created with options to vote and also view the poll vote results. The poll or voting system is mostly used by news and eCommerce websites to take user’s opinions.

So if you’re thinking about implementing poll or voting system then you’re here at right place. In our previous tutorial you have learned how to create Helpdesk system with php and MySQL. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement online voting system with PHP and MySQL. (more…)

Datatables Add Edit Delete with Ajax, PHP & MySQL

HTML Tables are extensively used in web applications to display data in rows and columns. The tables are just HTML element and can only be used to display records. But if you’re want HTML Table which are interactive and have features like sorting, search, pagination then you’re here at right place.

In this tutorial you will learn about jQuery Datatables plugin to create interactive and feature rich HTML tables with dynamic data. We will create Live Datatables to add, update and delete records with PHP and MySQL. We will handle to refresh Datatables when any record updated or delete from table.

We will cover this tutorial step by step by create live example of Datatables with add, edit and delete records using PHP and MySQL.

Export HTML Table Data to Excel, CSV, Text with jQuery, PHP and MySQL

Data Export is an important feature of web applications in which user’s are allowed to export data into files for further use. Mostly we need to implement data export with data from database but sometimes we needs to export data from HTML Tables.

So if you’re thinking about to implement data export from HTML Table, then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement data export from HTML Table using jQuery, PHP and MySQL. We will use tableExport jQuery plguin to implement HTML Table data export to Excel, CSV and Text files.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live example to display dynamic in HTML Table from MySQL database table and implement HTML Table data export to Excel, CSV and Text files.
