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What is the ChatGPT?

In our Python tutorial, we have explained how to develop your own ChatBot using Python. In this article, we will explain about ChatGPT, a revolutionary technology, it’s benifits and limitations.

ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is an AI based automated system launched by OpenAI. It’s a first open-source ChatBot that have long-form question answering and also answers complex questions conversationally.

Now a days, many companies started using ChatBots and almost 30 percent of the tasks are fulfilled by chatbots. With the launch of this revolutionary technology, It is expected that in a few years chatbots will power most of customer service interactions and related tasks. Because it’s trained to learn what humans mean when they can ask a question. (more…)

Hospital Management System with PHP & MySQL

Hospital Management System (HMS) is a web application used in hospitals to manage Doctors and Patients. Online Hospital management Systems are used in Hospitals to allow Patients to manage appointments, Doctors can check Patients appointment, view Patients appointment history and Administrator can manage both the Doctors and Patients activities.

So if you’re a developer and thinking to develop your own Hospital Management System, then you’re here at the right place. In our previous tutorial we have explained how to build project management system with PHP and MySQ. In this tutorial you will learn how to develop your own Hospital Management System with PHP and MySQL. (more…)

Login and Registration with Python, Flask & MySQL

In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained how to develop Weather App in Python using Flask. In this tutorial, we will explain how to implement User Login and Registration with Python, Flask and MySQL.

User login and registration is an important functionality of user module in any web application. The user’s are allowed create their account and login to access user section.

In this tutorial, we will implement functionality for user login, logout and registration. We will use Flask framework with Python to create web application with login and registration Form and implement functonality using MySQL database.


How to Make a Password Cracker using Python

In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained to make a Quiz Game with Python. In this tutorial, we will explain how brute force attacker made to crack any password using Python.

The Brute force is a type of attack to crack passwords by submitting many paswords to guess to break it.
So here in this tutorial, we will take user input as user password and show you how attackers tried to break the password. (more…)

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