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Make Food Ordering Website with PHP & MySQL

In our previous PHP project tutorial, we have developed Online Exam System with PHP and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will develop Food Ordering Website with PHP and MySQL.

The Online Food Order websites are very popular as it connect with different restaurants and customers. The websites enables restaurants to manage food foods and customers can make food order online.

So here in this tutorial, we develop a complete Food Ordering Website Project. The project contains an Admin section from where administrator can manage food items and front-end for customer side to list food items and make order. (more…)

Get Wifi Passwords using Python

In our previous Python tutorial, we have developed Snake Game using Python. In this tutorial, we will explain how to get saved WiFi Passwords with Python.

While connecting with multiple devices, we sometimes forget passwords. So here we will exaplain how easily you can get all saved wifi passwords with connection details.

With Python, you can easily get the saved Wifi passwords details using subprocess module. The module allow to check the conencted wifi passwords by running netsh commands inside our Python program. (more…)

Make Snake Game in Python

In our previous Python tutorial, we have implemented Palindrome Check Program in Python. In this tutorial, we will develop a Snake Game using Python.

If you remember that classic snake game and enjoy playing, then I am sure you will find this tutorial interesting.

With Python, there are number of ways to develop game. we can use PyGame library or can use the Turtle library from Python to develop Game. So here in this tutorial we will use Turtle library to develop a snake game. In addition to this module, we will also use Random module. (more…)

Make Password Generator using Python

In our previous Python tutorial, you have learned how to Monitoring Memory Consumption in Python. In this tutorial, you will learn how does a password get hacked and how to Generate a Strong Password in Python.

Having a secured password is very important because there are always security threats such as cyberattacks, password leaks, and data breaches. So be always cautious to use strong and secure password to avoid the chances of Brute force attack or any other security breach.

You can easily create strong and secure password with Python using Random or Secrets module. But here we will use Secrets modules which helps to create much secure password than Random module. (more…)