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AI-Based Resume Screening System using Python and Flask

In this tutorial, we will develop an AI-Based Resume Screening System using Machine Learning to help recruiter.

Large companies receive thousands of job applications every month. Manually reading and selecting suitable resumes is time-consuming. What if we build an AI system to automate this process, automatically shortlisting the best candidates for interviews based on their resume details?

So here, we will develop an AI-based resume screening system to automate resume analysis and shortlist candidate based on job description, skills matching score.


AWS S3 File Upload using Python and Flask

In our previous Python project tutorial, we have developed Discussion Forum using Flask and Python. In this tutorial, we will build an app to upload files to AWS S3 using Python and Flask.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is provides on demand cloud services for hosting websites and storing files. The AWS S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service from AWS that offers simple, scalable, cost-effective and secure to store files. It provides feature to create buckets to store files and called objects.

So here in this tutorial, we will develop a flask based application to upload files to AWS S3 server. We will implement functionality to upload files to AWS S3 buckets using Python. We will use boto3 module from Python to upload files. (more…)

Build Online Web Chat using Flask and Python

In our previous Python project tutorial, we have developed School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will develop Online Web Chat using Flask and Python.

A web chat system is an online interface that allows to communicate directly with peoples in real time. Here, we will develop a web chat system using Flask web framework and Flask-SocketIO module that enables bi-directional communication between the server and the client using WebSockets. The WebSockets are a protocol that enables fast and efficient data transfer between the browser and the server, without polling or refreshing. (more…)