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Form Validation in CodeIgniter with Example

The Form fields validation is an essential part of any web application to validate input values before storing into database. The Form input validated when form submitted.

If you’re working with CodeIgniter framework and created Forms and wants to add validation to form inputs, then its very easy. CodeIgniter framework has form validation library form_validation to validate various form fields.

So here in this tutorial, you will learn how to implement Form Validation in CodeIgniter.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo. There are also a download link at the end of tutorial to download source code of live demo.

Form Validation in CodeIgniter (more…)

The Best PHP Frameworks in 2024

In our previous article, we have discussed Best CSS Frameworks in 2024. In this article, we will discuss about best PHP Framework in 2024.

PHP is the most popular server side programming language. With the popularity, many PHP Frameworks came in existence to help developers to develop large, complex and secure web applications in less time.

PHP frameworks that’s uses MVC pattern, becomes popular among developers as it provided structured platform and helps to write more structured and secure code.

With the increasing numbers of frameworks and its popularity, its become difficult for the developers to choose the most suitable framework for their projects. As we checks features like performance, built in functionality, documentation etc. to choose the right PHP framework for the projects.

So here in this article, we will take a look on major features of the top PHP frameworks for 2024 to choose right one for the next project. 


Create Ajax Pagination in CodeIgniter with Example

Pagination is a feature of web applications to load large dynamic data into multiple pages by displaying next and previous link to view dynamic data.

As a PHP developer, you have definitely implemented pagination with PHP and now looking for implementing pagination in CodeIgniter. It’s very easy to implement pagination in CodeIgniter as it has default Pagination class to implement pagination but it’s not user friendly.

So here in this tutorial you will learn how to implement Ajax pagination in CodeIgniter framework. The pagination with Ajax is simple and user friendly can be used in any CodeIgniter project.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo to implement Ajax based pagination in CodeIgniter. You can also download complete source of live demo.


The Best CSS Framework in 2023

In our previous article, we have discussed The Best PHP Frameworks in 2023. In this article, we will discuss about the best CSS Framework in 2023.

The CSS Front-End Frameworks are very popular among web developers. These are particularly collection of HTML, CSS and JavaScript components that makes website development easier and faster. With framework you can easily design a fully responsive and modern layout of any website.

Most of frameworks are using grid system for layout in spite of some differences. The main goals of all frameworks are to provide basic and common layout structure so that web developers do not have to design a website layout each time from scratch.

As there are too many Front-end frameworks available and each framework have its own strengths and weaknesses. So it’s not necessary that the most popular framework work for your project, the less popular can be more suitable. So it does totally depend on your project to choose right one. For example if your project is simple, then there are no need to use a complex framework.

In this article we have listed the best CSS Frontend Frameworks in 2023 with their features. We have explained what front-end framework is and what things to keep in mind while choosing most suitable framework for your project. So let’s have the list of the best CSS frontend frameworks with their features and weakness to choose right one for your project. (more…)

Upload Multiple Image with jQuery, PHP & MySQL

Image upload is an important functionality of any web project. The image upload functionality is needed in web projects to upload user profile picture or upload logo or manage image gallery etc. If we need to implement user profile picture or logo then we only allow to upload a single image. But we need to allow multiple image upload when uploading files in image gallery,

As in n our previous tutorial you have learned how to upload multiple images in CodeIgniter and get huge response from readers. So in this tutorial, you will learn how to upload multiple images with jQuery, PHP and MySQL.

The tutorial is covered in easy steps with live demo to upload multiple images without page refresh and uploaded image preview. The functionality is also handled to insert uploaded images detail into MySQL database table. You can download source code of live demo, the link to download source code is available at the end of tutorial.

Upload Multiple Images with jQuery Ajax and PHP


Multiple Image Upload in CodeIgniter with Example

CodeIgniter is the most popular PHP framework that provides MVC platform to develop web applications. As a PHP developer, you have definitely implemented Multiple Image Upload with PHP. You can also implement multiple image upload in CodeIgniter.

So if you’re thinking about implementing Multiple Image Upload in CodeIgniter, then you’re here at right place. In this tutorial, you will learn how to implement multiple image upload using CodeIgniter framework.

We will cover this tutorial in easy steps with live demo to upload multiple images in CodeIgniter framework and you can also download source code of live demo to use in your projects.

Upload Multiple Files in CodeIgniter (more…)