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Build Image Search App with Python and Flask

In our previous Python Flask tutorial, we have explained how to develop QR Code Generator with Python and Flask. In this tutorial, we will explain how to develop Image Search App with Python and Flask.

An image search is a search functionality that is implemented to find images. The search can be based on keywords, a picture, or a web link to an image.

Here in this tutorial, we will create an user friendly interface for searching images with keyword and implement functionality for image search using Unsplash API with Python and Flask.

Build QR Code Generator with Python and Flask

In our previous Python Porject tutorial, we have explained to develop School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL. In this tutorial, we will explain how to build QR Code Generator with Python and Flask.

Nowadays, QR code is become a part of our life. We all use QR code for multiple purposes like making payments, activating offers, download apps, book tickets etc.

As programmer, have you ever tried to generate QR codes? It’s really very simple. You can easily develop project to generate QR Code as per your need. In this, we will develop a project using Python and Flask to create QR code. (more…)

School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL

In our previous Python project tutorial, we have explained to Face Recognition Based Attendance System with Python. In this tutorial, we will explain how to develop School Management System with Python, Flask and MySQL.

School Management Systems (SMS) is an online system that’s used in schools to manage students, classes, sections, subjects, teachers and attendance.

Here in this tutorial, we haved developed a very simple school management systems for learning purpose and can be enhanced according to requirement to develop a perfect advance level system.

What are Decorators in Python

In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained how to Automate Everything with Python. In this tutorial, you will learn about Decorators in Python.

In python, Decorators is a design pattern that allows to modify the functionality of a function by wrapping it in another function. It takes the original function as an argument and returns as extended version of it, means without permanently modifying it.

In Python, functions are treated as objects which means that functions can be used or passed as arguments. (more…)

Automate Everything with Python

In our previous Python tutorial, we have explained how to make ChatBot Project with Python and Flask. In this tutorial, we will explain how to Automate Everything with Python.

Automation is the key of efficiency and productivity After a decade of experiance. It lets us to automate important and repeated tasks to complete quickly.

Python is an incredibly powerful and flexible language. It can be used to automate things by building utilities of useful scripts to make life easier as a software developer. (more…)

ChatBot Project with Python and Flask

In our previous Python project tutorial, we have explained How to Make a ChatBot using Python. In this tutorial, we will explain how to make ChatBot Project with Python and Flask.

A ChatBot is an AI based automated system that design to work without human assistance. It enables the communication between a human and a machine in both the messages and voice command.

The ChatBots are very popular and widly used for customer support, generating information, etc. The companies are using ChatBots to work as knowledge base, delivering personalized responses, and help customers complete their tasks.
