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The Best JavaScript Framework in 2024

In our previous article about Frameworks, we have discussed Best PHP Frameworks in 2024. In this article, we will discuss about best JavaScript Framework in 2024.

JavaScript is the most popular front-end scripting language used in web applications. It’s multi-paradigm language that supports event-driven, functional and imperative styles with object-oriented programming.

Initially, JavaScript was used only for the client side, but now it is widely used as a server side programming language. There are many JavaScript frameworks developed to use at the front-end or as server side.

But how do you know which JavaScript Frameworks is right for you?

So in this post, we will list 10 best JavaScript framework to help you to choose right one for your next project.

Also, read:

What is JavaScript Framework

A JavaScript library or application with full stack capabilities and features is called a JavaScript framework. But it differs from JavaScript library in its control flow as a library offers functions to be called by its parent code, whereas a framework defines the entire application design.
There are few JavaScript frameworks that follow the model–view–controller (MVC) to separate business logic from presentation logic to improve code quality and maintainability. The major MVC JavaScript frameworks are AngularJS, ReactJS, Ember.js etc.

Why use a JavaScript Framework:

The JavaScript frameworks are a type of tools that provides MVC based structured platform to manage projects easily. The frameworks are more adaptable to the design of the website and also help to code the application as a device responsive. Due to this, most of the programmers prefers to use framework.

List of 10 Best JavaScript Frameworks in 2024

Here is a list of the best JavaScript frameworks, based on features and ability to facilitate and streamline application development.

1. Angular

Angular is a typeScript based open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google. It is powerful, efficient web framework for building single page web applications (SPA). The framework extends the HTML into the application and interprets the custom tag attributes to perform data binding.

Features of Angular Framework:

Angular 8 is the current version that released on May 28, 2019. Here is the features that made it a better choice for your web application.

  • TypeScript 3.4 support
  • Generated code that is easier to read and debug at runtime
  • Differential Loading of Modern JavaScript
  • Lazy Loading
  • Faster re-build time
  • Improved payload size
  • Improved template type checking
  • Backwards compatibility
  • Bazel Support to build backends and frontends with the same tool
  • Angular Ivy as an opt-in preview

2. React

Released in 2013 by Facebook, React is a JavaScript framework that gained the popularity in vert short span of time. The framework can be used to build user interfaces. It can also be used as a base for the development of single page or mobile applications.

Features of React Framework:

Here is the features of React Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Easy to learn and start with it
  • Use of JSX (short for JavaScript eXtension)
  • Virtual DOM to refresh DOM without page reload
  • Reusability of Components
  • Easy to Declare
  • Lightweight DOM for better performance
  • Components support and little dependencies
  • React Native
  • Event handling
  • Increases efficiency and makes maintenance easier

3. Vue.js

With it’s inital release in 2014, Vue.js is an open-source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single page application (SPA). It’s a feature rich and reliable framework for developing cross-platform applications.

Features of Vue.js Framework:

Here is the features of Vue.js Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Use of Virtual DOM
  • Data Binding to manipulate or assign values
  • Use of components to create custom elements
  • Event Handling
  • Animation and transition
  • Computed properties
  • Built-in directives to perform actions
  • Use of watchers that applied to changed data
  • Routing
  • VueJS script is very lightweight and the performance is also very fast

4. Ember.js

Released in 2011, Ember.js is an open-source JavaScript framework based on the Model–view–viewmodel (MVVM) pattern. It can be used to create scalable single-page web applications. The framework support two way binding and hence, establish a reliable platform for handling the complicated User Interfaces.

Features of Ember.js Framework:

Here is the features of Ember.js Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • It can be used for creating reusable and maintainable JavaScript web applications.
  • Provides the Glimmer rendering engine to increase the rendering speed.
  • Supports data binding to create the link between two properties
  • Provides the instance initializers
  • Routes for managing URLs
  • Provides Ember Inspector tool for debugging Ember applications
  • Uses templates that help to automatically update the model,

5. Meteor

Initialy released in 2012, Meteor is an open-source JavaScript framework written using Node.js. It can be used for developing rapid prototyping and produces cross-platform code. The framework can also be used for developing application back-end area.

Features of Meteor Framework:

Here is the features of Meteor Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Develop apps in JavaScript for a web browser, application server, and mobile environment
  • Built-in features like hot code reload, automatic CSS & JS minification, and reactive templates
  • The app is created using JavaScript so you can use the same code on both client and server side
  • Provides helpful client-side technologies such as helpers, events, and templates
  • Performs the updations automatically when any changes created in data of a database
  • Allows direct access to the database
  • Equipped with efficient cloud platform Galaxy to deploy and monitor client applications

6. Node.js

Initially released in 2009, Node.js is a server side cross platform JavaScript run-time environment. It is capable of driving asynchronous I/O with its event-driven architecture.

Features of Node.js Framework:

Here is the features of Node.js Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Asynchronous and Event Driven
  • Very Fast code execution
  • Single threaded but highly scalable
  • No buffering
  • Good support and documentation
  • Large community

7. Backbone.js

With it’s initial release in 2010, Backbone.js is a light-weight JavaScript framework with RESTful JSON interface and is based on the Model–view–presenter (MVP) application design paradigm. It’s easy to learn and can be used to create single page applications.

Features of Backbone.js Framework

Here is the features of Backbone.js Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Easily develop one page applications and front-end
  • Provides building blocks like models, views, events, routers and collections for assembling client side web applications
  • Automatically updates the HTML when model change
  • Separate business and user interface logic
  • Manages the data model which includes the user data and display that data
  • Soft dependency with jQuery and hard dependency with Underscore.js
  • Allows to create client side web applications or mobile applications in well structured and organized format
  • Makes code simple, systematic and organized
  • Contains over 100 available free extensions

8. Mithril

Mithril is an open-source light-weight client-side JavaScript framework. It is a fast and provides routing and can be used for developing Single Page Application.

Features of Mithril Framework

Here is the features of Mithril Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Light-weight with small code size
  • Easily customizable
  • View layer paradigm is designed to be declarative
  • Provide an idiomatic pattern to follow, and tools to aid the developer when required
  • Great documentation

9. Aurelia

Aurelia is JavaScript framework that can be used to implement interface. It’s a next generation framework for developing robust applications and can extent the HTML for data binding etc.

Features of Aurelia Framework

Here is the features of Aurelia Framework that made it a better choice for web application development.

  • Easy to learn
  • Extensive ecosystem
  • Simple testing
  • Reactive binding
  • Effortless coding with conventions
  • High performance
  • Unmatched extensibility
  • Routing, composition & progressive enhancement

10. Polymer

With it initial release 2015, Polymer is an open-source JavaScript framework by Google for building web applications. It can be used to create the elements of the website without going into a complex level. The framework supports both one-way and two-way data binding. There bare also modern design principles are implemented using Google’s Material Design design principles.

Features of Polymer Framework

  • Simplified way of creating custom elements
  • Both One-way and Two-way data binding
  • Computed properties
  • Conditional and repeat templates
  • Gesture events
  • Facilitates to create reusable widgets
  • Uses Google material design to develop hybrid mobile applications
  • Supports cross-browser compatibility
  • Command line interface to manage complex projects

Which JavaScript framework is right for you?

The frameworks helps to develop and manage project structure. It also help to manage project code, security and speedup development with reusable code. Each framework has it’s own features, strength and support.

The decision to choose the right JavaScript is depends on various facts like project type, size, security etc. So first try to understand the requirement of your project or website and then check the features of each framework to choose the right one for your project.

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